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When I say the story of code, one of the things that mean is how that code came to be, but also what exactly the code tells and explains both in code and beyond it. All code, written by us has a story behind it, where it came from, why it is written that way, why certain decisions were made, even if those decisions were made randomly or with your gut vs arduous thinking, maybe they were…

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I got access to a computer pretty early in life, actually even before I turned 13. But I'm not the best programmer around. I've never won coding competitions, I don't think in code, if you asked me to write an algorithm to traverse a binary tree, I'd probably have to Google it. I didn't go to a top ranking college, neither did I drop out of high school to join or start Facebook or Google like…

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Some time ago I decided to stop writing. I felt the writing was a bit narcissistic endeavor. Isn't it assumptive of us to think that our opinions matter? Or what we are writing is worth knowing? At the same time, I do understand the dilemma that is if everybody thought that, the transfer of information will stop and our progress will halt. Maybe, our need to write is a genetic imprint and just…

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It depends on what do you mean? Do you mean the Facebook/Instagram application? Then yes. There are a gazillion tutorials on the internet which will teach you how to develop a facebook / instagram or twitter clone. And you can pretty much create a 1:1 feature app in less than a month. The problem isn't that one developer can create these or not, the problem is a single developer can't market his…

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My personal observation about best time in the day to buy and sell an equity stock: Watched Tandav webseries starring Saif Ali Khan and Dimple Kapadia. Didn't like it. It got surrounded by controversies later: Some gyan about learning to pause. Looking forward to the indie game which is Made In India - In My Shadow This The Timeliners video about cyber cafes filled me with nostalgia: That's all…

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Since lockdown started and I started working from home, I was looking for a decent pair of wireless keyboard and mouse. I needed something which can flawlessly work with my personal Dell Windows Laptop, MacBook Pro (my work machine), iPad and Android tablets. I decided to get a Logitech K480 Bluetooth keyboard and Logitech Pebble Bluetooth mouse. I am amazed by the performance of both. Let's talk…

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I've friends who prefer Bank FDs. But in the falling interest rate market like India, bank FDs make no sense. Please read my other article on purpose of investment here: Let us discuss why Bank FDs are a bad idea looking at historical data. Let's assume you invested 1,00,000 in 2014 for 5 year bank FD…

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First let's look at a sample package.json file If you look at the above file you will see two types of dependencies listed : dependencies and devDependencies. A lot of developers are not aware that whether they should to put their project dependencies in Dev Dependencies or just Dependencies. In general: Dev Dependencies - should be all of the dependencies needed only if you will be working on…

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This is a very common interview question and surprisingly many frontend developers (including the ones I have interviewed in past ), don't know the proper answer. One way to do it is- pagination. Pagination allows us to display a fixed number of records at a time and to view next (or previous) set of records we must click either something like a Next button or one of the numbered links denoting…

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All of us are running algorithms all day long. We just don't think of it like that. Getting dressed is an algorithm, making tea is an algorithm, finding shortest path to a building is an algorithm - it's all just processes. The skill is in being able to translate a process into code and that comes from being able to articulate the process in some way. Find a problem - work out all the steps to…

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JavaScript 2020 adds some much anticipated features. Nullish Coalescing Operator ( Treating values correctly ) Optional Chaining Operator ( Like Angular’s ?. ‘Elvis Operator’ ) BigInt (Large integers done right) Dynamic Imports ( Only for NodeJs ) Promise.allSettled (vs. Promise.All) Private Class Variables ( # ) 1. Nullish Coalescing Operator JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. Some…

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Disclaimer: I've used both Angular and React extensively. I prefer React primarily because I like JSX syntax. It's fewer files I have to manage (HTML, JS, CSS), and makes it easier for me to manage event handlers. Angular is fine too, I've used it for work before, but it took time to get used to it, though that might have been because of RxJS. Though both React and Angular address the same area at…

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We are in part 2 of he article series which also means that I've not procrastinated enough yet to ultimately scrap this article series (like I do with most projects). In part one, we saw usage of .filter() The second most useful Array method is : .map() Simply put .map() is a method we can use when we want to apply an operation to each individual member of an array. This member can be an object…

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In this article series, we are going to look at a few of the Array and Object methods of Javascript which are not only bit obscure for novice developers but even advanced developers sometimes are not aware of these. To be honest, you probably know some of these, but knowing them WILL make you a more efficient, better, well-rounded developer. Most of these methods are chainable, meaning if you want…

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HackerEarth is one of the leading coding contest and challenge tools used by some of the major tech giants to recruit talent in India and abroad. HackerEarth provides coding puzzles to programmers that they need to solve in a limited time which can lead to some prizes and/or interviews with an organization. The programming puzzles usually are algorithmic and require reading from standard input…

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